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Kungl Tekniska högskolan / Optimeringslära och systemteori /

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SF2866 Applied Systems engineering,   autumn 2016.

SF2868 Systems engineering, Business and Management, Part 1   autumn 2016.

I describe below the material that is included in the course.

Modeling and Simulation

ORMS chapter 12 (except 12.3)
IOR Chapter 20-20.2,20.5

Airline Optimization

ORMS Chapter 20.1-2

Inventory theory

ORMS chapter 10-10.3.1 and 10.4-10.5.2
IOR Chapter 18 describes several of these models too. 18.2-18.3 basic EOQ, 18.5 serial two-echelon model, and 18.6

Supply Chain Management

ORMS chapter 22.1, 22.2.2 and 22.4-22.6.

Process Control

The material on scheduling in ORMS is rather brief. The relevant parts are ORMS Chapter 18.4-18.4.3 (not more than two machines).

For further reading, here are links to some other material I used.
The slides by Ron Lembke were used for the examples in class: Scheduling slides
I based the presentation and the proofs on the book "Scheduling.Theory,.Algorithms,.and.Systems.(2008)" by Michael Pinedo, Chapters 3.1-3.3.
Another book on scheduling is "Algorithm for Sequencing and Scheduling", Draft text book by Ibrahim Alharkan, 2010. Relevant is One machine problems Chapter 2.3,2.4,2.8, (2.12), and Two machine problem Chapter 4-4.2 describes flow shops and Johnson's algorithm.

For more examples and exercises consider

(These links may contain theory and examples not included in the course)
scheduling examples

Machine scheduling exercises
Inventory theory

The references above are to the following Course material:

IOR Hillier and Lieberman: "Introduction to Operations Research", 9th or 10th edition.

ORMS Operations Research and Management Science Handbook
Accessible for free online for KTH students.