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Kungl Tekniska högskolan / Optimeringslära och systemteori /

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SF2866 Applied Systems engineering,   autumn 2016.

SF2868 Systems engineering, Business and Management, Part 1   autumn 2016.

Homepage of the course:


Per Enqvist, penqvist@math.kth.se, office 3549, phone: 790 6298.
Lectures and examination.

Göran Svensson, goransv@math.kth.se, office 3734, phone 790 7507.

Course material:

This course is based on the projects. For more information about the theory in this area we refer to the following two books, manuscripts provided on the homepage, and the research litterature.
Hillier and Lieberman: "Introduction to Operations Research", 9th or 10th edition.

CRC Press Operations Research and Management Science Handbook
Accessible for free online for KTH students.

Preliminary schedule for the course:

Nr   Date   Time   Room  Subject  
L1.  Mon 29/8  10-12  D42   Course introduction. Modelling and simulations 
L2.  Wed 31/8  15-17  D32   Airline Optimization  
L3.  Fri 2/9  8-10  H33   Sabre presentation of project 1
L4.  Mon 5/9  10-12  M24   Airline Optimization 
L5.  Wed 7/9  15-17  E53   QaA1 
L6.  Fri 9/9  8-10  B21   Production systems  
L7.  Mon 12/9  10-12  V12   QaA2  
L8.  Wed 14/9  15-17  V11   Production systems cont  
L9.  Fri 16/9  8-10  Q22  Peer review feedback seminar  
L10.  Mon 19/9  10-12  E53    
L11.  Wed 21/9  15-17  D42   Tio100 presentation of Project 2 
L12.  Fri 23/9  8-10  E33   Final presentation Project 1  
L13.  Mon 26/9  10-12  E36    
L14.  Wed 28/9  15-17  D42   QaA1  
L15.  Fri 30/9  8-10  E33   Inventory theory  
L16.  Mon 3/10  10-12  H33    
L17.  Wed 5/10  15-17  Q15   QaA2, Inventory theory  
L18.  Fri 7/10  8-10  V12   Peer review feedback seminar  
L19.  Mon 10/10  10-12  E36   Guest lecture SAAB avionics 
L20.  Wed 12/10  15-17  D32    
L21.  Fri 14/10  8-10  E33   Final presentations project 2


The examination will be based on two parts. The first part is the two projects which will be evaluated from the oral presentation, the written report and the process. The second part is a written exam. For full details, see the descriptions for the assignments that will be available on the homepage.
The first written exam is given on October 24, 2016, 14.00-19.00. Please remember to sign up for the exam on "My Pages" on the internet.

Welcome to the course!