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Kungl Tekniska högskolan / Optimeringslära och systemteori /

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SF2863 Systems engineering,   autumn 2013.

Homepage of the course:


Per Enqvist, penqvist@math.kth.se, office 3549, phone: 790 6298.
Lectures and examination.

Hildur Æsa Oddsdóttir, haodd@math.kth.se, office 3750, phone 790 8457.
Exercise classes.

Göran Svensson, goransv@math.kth.se, office 3734, phone 790 6659.
Exercise classes.

Course material:

Hillier and Lieberman: "Introduction to Operations Research", 9th edition.
For sale at the Student bookshop at KTH.
"Exercises in Systems Engineering, 2011."
For sale at the Student expedition of the Math department.
Additional material (manuscripts) will be available on the homepage.
Matlab projects/home assignments will be handed out/published on this page during the course.

Preliminary schedule for the lectures (L) and exercises (E):

Nr   Date   Time   Room  Subject  
L1.  Tue 5/11  10-12  M3   Course introduction. Markov chains. 
L1.  Tue 5/11  15-17  D2   Same lecture as in the morning. 
L2.  Wed 6/11  13-15  M1   Markov processes. 
E1.  Tor 7/11  10-12  L52, Q21  EXERCISES on Markov chains and processes. 
L3.  Fri 8/11  13-15  M1   More on Markov processes. 
L4.  Tue 12/11  15-17  D2   Queueing theory. 
E2.  Wed 13/11  13-15  L52, V34   EXERCISES on Queueing theory. 
L5.  Tor 14/11  10-12  K1   Queueing networks. 
L6.  Tis 19/11  15-17  D2   Spare parts optimization I. 
E3.  Wed 20/11  13-15  L52, V35  EXERCISES on Queueing networks. 
L7.  Thu 21/11  10-12  K1   Spare parts optimization II. 
L8.  Fri 22/11  13-15  K1   Spare parts opt III. Marginal allocation. 
E4.  Tue 26/11  15-17  L52,V22   EXERCISES/LECTURE on Marginal allocation. 
L9.  Wed 27/11  13-15  M2   Deterministic Inventory theory. 
L10.  Thu 28/11  10-12  K1   Stochastic Inventory theory 
E5.  Tue 3/12  15-17  L52,L51   EXERCISES on Inventory theory. 
L11.  Wed 4/12  13-15  D2   Dynamic programming (DynProg) 
L12.  Thu 5/12  10-12  K1   Markov decision processes  
L13.  Tue 10/12  15-17  D2   Guest Lecture: SYSTECON
E6.  Wed 11/12  13-15  L52,L51   EXERCISES on Dynamic programming 
E7.  Thu 12/12  10-12  V32,V34   EXERCISES on Dyn.prog  
L14.  Fri 13/12  13-15  K1   More on Markov decision processes  
E8.  Tue 17/12  15-17  L52,E52   EXERCISES on Markov decision processes  
L15.  Wed 18/12  13-15  D2   Summary of course   
E9.  Thu 19/12  10-12  L52,E51   EXERCISES on various subjects 


Two voluntary home assignments will be given, they give bonus points to the written examination (2+4 bonus points). For full details, see the descriptions for the assignments that will be available on the homepage.
Maximum credits on the exam is 50 points. Preliminary grade limits are, 23 for an Fx, 25 For E, 28 for D, 33 for C, 38 for B and 43 for A. The first written exam is given on January 13, 2014, 14.00-19.00. Please remember to sign up for the exam on "My Pages" on the internet.

Welcome to the course!