Clustering and persistence
Valda ämnen i matematik I, SF2704, Fall 2013



September 13
Clustering according to Kleinberg, Metrics, Ultra metrics, statement of the Kleinberg impossibility theorem.
Septemebr 20
Dendrograms and hierarchical clustering.
September  27
Single linkage hierarchical clustering, identification of ultra metrics with dendrograms.

First exercise set. I would like 2 or 3 students to prepare a 30 min presentation based on solutions of the first exercise set.
October 18
The second exercise set is posted. I would like 2 or 3 students to prepare 45 min presentation based on solutions of the 2nd exercise set.
October 25
different hierarchical clustering and  Ilya Schmulevich  lecture
November 1
No lecture
December 1
The third exercise set it posted. I would like 2 or 3 students to prepare 2 hours presentation based on the solutions to the 3rd exercise set.