Clustering and persistence
Valda ämnen i matematik I, SF2704, Fall 2013



The course is given on Fridays 10.15-12:00 in room 3733 of the mathematics department.

The third exercise set is posted. I would like 2 or 3 students to prepare 2 hour presentation based on the solutions to the 3rd excercise set.

There will be no lecture on November 1.

The lecture on October 25 will be between 10:15-11:00. 
At 11:15  I will encourage all of you to join me for 45 min lecture of Ilya Schmulevich from the Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA. He will give a talk on: Interactive Exploration of Data from The Cancer Genome Atlas.

This Friday October 18, the class is moved  to 13:15-14:00.

The second exercise set is posted. I would like 2 or 3 students to prepare 45 min presentation based on solutions of the 2nd exercise set.

The first exercise set is posted. I would like 2 or 3 students to prepare a 30 min presentation based on solutions of the first exercise set.

The aim of the course is to explain and compare various clustering schemes
and how topological tools and methods  can be used to improve clustering.
I plan to discuss the following topic in the course:
- dendrograms and Gromov-Hausdorf metric,
- Kleinberg theorem,
- classical hierarchical clustering schemes (single, complete, average, and Housdorf linkage),
- local clustering and mapper,
- elements of  simplicial complexes,
- one dimensional persistence modules, and if time permits elements of representations of  type A quivers.

The course is based on the following list of articles which will be updated:

The course is taught by Wojciech Chachólski (