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Stefan Almér
- Reviewer for the 2005 Conference of Decision and Control (joint
with the European Control Conference), and for the 2005 Conference of
Control Applications.
David Anisi
- Participated in the NATO Research and Technology Organisation
lecture series on `` Achieving Successful Robust Control Systems
Design for 21st Century Military Applications'', Kista, Sweden, May
12-13, 2005.
- Participated in the 8th SIAM conference on optimization,
Stockholm, Sweden, May 15-19, 2005.
- Referee for International Conference on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA) (2 papers) and IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
(2 papers).
Anders Blomqvist
- Referee for Automatica and IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
Gianantonio Bortolin
- Participation in ERNSI Workshop, Dobogoko, Hungary, 4-6 October
Ulf Brännlund
- Referee for Transportation Research.
- Referee for Mathematical Programming Series B.
- Referee for Vienna Science and Technology Fund.
- Responsible for the line of competence (kompetensinriktning), Systems engineering, for the schools of mechanical and vehicle engineering.
- Part time employed by Optimization Partner Stockholm AB.
Vanna Fanizza
- Participated in the ERNSI meeting, October 4-6 2004, Dobogoko, Hungary.
- Participated in the Mathematical Theory of Network and System (MTNS 2004), 5-9 July 2004, Leuven, Belgium
Anders Forsgren
- Associate editor for Mathematical Programming, Series A.
- Member of editorial board for Computational Optimization and
- Co-chair of the 8th SIAM Conference on Optimization, Stockholm,
May 15-19, 2005.
- Referee for Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,
Mathematical Programming, and Optimization in Engineering.
Hisaya Fujioka
- Referee for IEEE Transaction of Automatic Control, Automatica, Asian Journal of Control, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
- Associate Editor at Programing Committee for IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2005.
Christelle Gaillemard
- Participated in ERNSI Workshop System Identification, 4-6
October 2004, Manreza Conference Center, Dobogóko, Hungary.
Ulf Jönsson
- Associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
- On the editorial board for International Journal of Statistics and
- Referee for IEEE Transactions Circuits and Systems, SIAM Journal
of Control and Optimization, European Journal of Control, IEEE
Transactions on Control Systems Technology, American Control
Conference, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
- Participated in the conferences: First Swedish-Israeli Control
Conference, Stockholm, Second Chinese-Swedish Control Conference,
Beijing China, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Paradise
Island, Bahamas, SIAM Conference on Optimization, Stockhom, IFAC
World Congress, Prague, Prague, Czech Republic.
Johan Karlsson
- Participated in 16th International Symposium on
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Leuven, Belgium, July 5-9, 2004.
Anders Lindquist
- Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology.
- Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science.
- Member Central Faculty Board (``Centrala fakultetsnämnden''),
- Board Member, Strategic Center for Autonomous Systems, KTH.
- Affiliate Professor, Washington University, St Louis, USA.
- Advisory Board of the Institute for Mathematics of the Life
Sciences, Texas Tech University, Texas, USA.
- Member, Board of Governors of the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion) in Haifa.
- Member of the Board of the Foundation ``Nordic Information Processing'' (BIT).
- Team Leader, European Research Network for System Identification
(ERNSI), TMR network.
- Team leader, European project RECSYS.
- Member, Editorial Board, Applied and Computational Control,
Signals, and Circuits, book series published by Birkhäuser, Boston.
- Editorial Board, it ACTA Automatica Sinica, China.
- Referee for several other journals, for NATO, STINT, KVA, Italian
National Research Foundation and Israeli National Research Foundation.
- Examiner (Revisore), University of Padova, Italy.
- Member, Organizing Committee of Fourth European Mathematical
Congress, Stockholm, June 27-July 2, 2004.
- Member, Steering Committee of MTNS 2004, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium on July 5-9, 2004.
Yohei Kuroiwa
- Participation in ERNSI Workshop, Dobogokö, Hungary, October 4-6 2004.
- Participation in 8th SIAM conference of optimization, Stockholm,
Sweden, May 15-19, 2005.
- Referee for IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
Krister Svanberg
- In the evaluation committee at the doctoral dissertation of
Gholamreza Razmara, Dept Mathematics, Linköping Univ, Sept 2004.
- In the evaluation committee at the doctoral dissertation of
Harald Fredricson, Dept Mech Eng, Linköping Univ, Sept 2004.
- In the evaluation committee at the doctoral dissertation of
Mikael Amelin, Dept Elec Power Eng, Sept KTH 2004.
- Referee for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization.
- Referee for Int J Numerical Methods in Engineering (3 papers).
- Referee for Int J Solids and Structures.
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Anders Forsgren