SF2945 Tidsserieanalys ht 2010/ Time Series analysis 2010 - Homework assignments
In the
homework assignments you are recommended to use MATLAB. Several useful m-files are found
in this page. The data files in the assignments are also found here.
acf.m ( sample autocorrelation function)
acvf.m (sample autocovariance function)
diffd.m (difference operator)
test) ranktest.m
(Rank test
for independence) seascomp.m
component) smoothma.m
average smoothing) smoothpf.m (polynomial fitting) The data are found in sealevel.dat and in the MATLAB data file
sealevel.mat. armaacvf.m
function for ARMA process) arroots (gives roots of AR
generating function) causal.m (tells if the process is
causal) innov.m (innovation algorithm used in predarma)
of ARMA process) psi.m (psi coefficients in linear representaton)
roots2ar (gives AR parameters from
generating function roots) simarma.m ( simulation of ARMA
process) The acf.m and acvf.m files should also be
used. Just click on the links and save the files in an appropriate
place. The m-file plotbar.m can be helpful when drawing
autocorrelation function as bars from the x-axis. It is similar to the
standard m-file stem which draws bars ending with circles.
(graph that
shows Box-Cox transformation) boxcoxf.m (function of Box-Cox
transformation) pacf.m (Partial autocorrelation function, PACF)
pergram.m (periodogram)
density ARMA process) specdens.m
density stationary process) yuwaest.m (Yule-Walker estimation,
AR-process) The data are found in, temp.dat, timech.dat and el.dat or all together in the MATLAB data file data3.mat.
The matlab
command 'load data3' will load them into a MATLAB session. The m-file read3.m reads the dat-files into
Matlab. archsim.m (simulate an ARCH(1)
process) garchsim.m (simulate a GARCH(1,1)
process) prctile.m
(computes a
given percentile in a data set) The MATLAB
data file is found in logret_DEM_USD.mat
. Here is the
same data in a text-file, logret_DEM_USD.dat.
[Kurshemsida] [Kursförteckning] [Avdelningen Matematisk statistik] |
Sidansvarig: Timo Koski Uppdaterad: 2010-10-16 |