Swedish Study Group: Mathematics in Society August 19-24, 2018
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Study Group – Information for society/industry
The Study Group will offer focused work on a problem of importance to you. The format will allow for new collaborations and connections with working mathematicians from academia who can apply their expertise on your problem.
What is a Good Problem?
The problem should be a mathematical/computational problem with a relevant application. It should be a problem of interest both from a company and an academic viewpoint and have potential for future joint research collaborations. A good problem should be manageable so as to make progress within a week of focused work.
A good problem will be:
Not too easy or something that has already been solved.
Not too hard or time consuming. We want to be able to make progress during the week.
Not something that requires confidentiality.
A senior researcher in the field will lead the team effort for solving the problem.
For examples of other Study Groups with corresponding problem formulations can be found
here. For more useful links, see Links.
Initial Problem Application
Please contact us for an initial discussion about the problem.
To participate as a problem owner, please submit an initial problem statement to johan.karlsson@math.kth.se. Use either the template found in the following pdf file or submit your own pdf/word document.
Based on the initial problem application we will recruit a senior researcher to lead the team effort.
An abstract and a full problem description should then be prepared by May 1. Normally this would be 1-2 pages, but could be longer if required. We will be happy to discuss these documents and provide feedback and guidance.
At the workshop
At the first day of the study group meeting (August 20), a problem owner from each company will give a 30 minute presentation of the problem to start up the group work. During the week one person from the company takes part in the team effort.