Background and creditsThis collection of mathematical problem pages is an initiative by Harold S. Shapiro and has been put together with help from a number of Harold's students with recollections from the legendary Problem Seminars in the 70's and 80's. Most notably Bengt Ek and Björn Gustafsson have left valuable testimony from these sessions.All problems stem from Harold's vast collection and the problem sheets given here
are authentic copies of the hand written originals. Many problems have
roots in Harold's own research.
This site is planned to grow considerably. The material goes far into the eighties so the present collection is only a beginning. The first three sheets from 1973 are approximately finished. The rest is 'under construction'. The signatures that accompany the solutions are deciphered below.
Apart from Harold they represent students that took part in the seminars.The given solutions are
authentic with some occasional editing.
Credit also goes to Siv Sandvik for patient rendering of solutions into LaTeX 06-03-28 GJ |