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Examination and evaluation

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Course Notes


Course notes updated.

The topics of every lecture appear here, possibly tentatively. Chapter references refer to the course notes.

Jan 23: Lecture 1: Chapter 1-2.1

Introduction to vector bundles. Organizational matters.

Jan 30: Lecture 2: Chapter 2.2

Vector bundles as sheaves.

Feb 6: Presentation 1 (Eric), Lecture 3: Chapter 2.3-2.4

Vector bundles as cocycles. Operations on vector bundles, tensor, symmetric, and exterior products (the last three as reading assignment).

Feb 13: Lecture 4: Chapter 3.1

Lie groups, Stiefel manifolds and Grassmann manifolds

Feb 20: Presentation 2 (Oliver), Lecture 5: Chapter 2.5-2.6

Smooth manifolds, tangent bundles, normal bundles, differential forms.

Feb 27: Lecture 6: Chapter 3.2-3.3

Simplicial spaces and simplicial categories, geometric realization. Classifying spaces and the bar construction.

Mar 6: Presentation 3 (Nima), Lecture 7: Chapter 3.4-3.5

Schubert cells, paracompactness.

Mar 13: Exam week, no class

Mar 20: Lecture 8: Chapter 3.5-3.6

Homotopy invariance of pullback bundles, fiber bundles, universal bundles

Mar 27: Lecture 9: Chapter 4.1-4.3

Čech cohomology, the long exact sequence and Mayer-Vietoris sequence

Apr 3: Good Friday, no class

Apr 10: Presentation 4 (Rune), Chapter 6.1-6.3, 4.4-4.5

Riemannian manifolds, connections, and curvature; products in cohomology and de Rham cohomology

Apr 17: Presentation 5 (Stefano), Chapter 7.1-7.4

Schemes, cycles, Chow groups

Apr 24: Chapter 4.4-4.5

Fine sheaves, homotopy invariance and some cohomology computations

May 1: May Day, no class

May 8: Chapter 4.6-7, 5.1, Presentation (Kaj)

The cross and cup products in cohomology, cohomology of BU(n) and Chern classes

May 15: Chapter 5.1.1, 7.5-6, Presentation (Magnus)

Computations of Chern classes, Chern classes and Segre classes in algebraic geometry

May 22: Chapter 4.8, 6.4-5, Presentation (Eric)

De Rham cohomology and the de Rham theorem, Chern classes from curvature

May 29: Chapter 5.2-3, Presentation (Bashar)

Applications of characteristic classes, Stiefel-Whitney and Pontryagin classes