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Examination and evaluation

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Course Notes


Course notes updated.

Date, time, location

The first meeting of this course is on Friday, January 23, 13:15 in room 3418 at KTH (the old library).

From Friday, January 30, we meet 10:0-11:45 in the same room.

The course stretches over periods 3 and 4 and meets for one 2-hour-session per week.


T. Bauer

Course content

  • Introduction to vector bundles. Bundles as parametrized vector spaces, as sheaves, and as cocycles. Operations on bundles. Algebraic bundles. Tangent and normal bundles. Bundles with additional structure
  • Lie groups, Grassmannians, universal bundles, and classifying spaces. Simplicial spaces and paracompactness.
  • Čech cohmology, the cup product, de Rham cohomology
  • The definition and computation of characteristic classes: Stiefel-Whitney classes, Chern classes, and Pontryagin classes
  • Introduction to differential geometry: connections, curvature
  • Chern-Weil theory and generalized Gauss-Bonnet theorems
  • Characteristic classes in algebraic geometry, Chow groups, Segre classes
  • An advanced topic such as cobordism, characteristic numbers, genera, the Hirzebruch signature theorem, or the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch theorem.


Required: Familiarity with basic algebraic structures such as groups, rings, fields, modules. Familiarity with basic topological notions: topo- logical space, compactness.

Desirable: One or more of: homological algebra, homology of topological spaces, varieties and sheaves, Riemannian manifolds.


Lecture notes will be provided for the students. They will contain a bibliography but no textbook will be used for the course.