KTH Mathematics SF2729 Groups and Rings   VT09   

SF2729 Groups and Rings


The re-examination in August will be on August 19, 8.00-12.00.
The final exam will take place in room D2, May 26 at 8.00-12.00.
Graded homework will be returned in class on May 6.
The second set of homework is now posted. It is due on April 20.
The second part of the course has started. The recommended exercises are in the notes of the lectrure number 8.
There will be an extra mid-term exam on Saturday, April 17, due to the circumstances on Monday, March 15. Sign up for this exam by email no later than Sunday, April 11.
The mid-term exam on Monday will take place in room D31, 09.00-11.00. There are only two spare seats for those who did not sign up.
The homework has finally been graded and will be handed back today on the last lecture of the first part of the course. The results were generally very good.
If you want to sign up for the mid-term exam on the groups part of the course, please send an email no later than on March 8.
Two mistakes have been spotted in the homework problems. In Problem 3, S5 should be replaced by A5 or by S4. In Problem 7, there are indeed elements of order two, but no elements of higher order.
There were some problems with different versions of the web page with missing links in one of them, but this should be in order now.
Some more corrections have been made to the Course PM and to the plan of the course.
The set of homework problems for the first part of the course is now available at this web page. The Course PM has been proofread and some corrections have been made.
The course started yesterday. I put then notes from the first lecture here on the web page and also the Course PM that was distributed. If you didn't come to the first lecture and still plan to take the course, please let us know by email. The lecture notes also includes a list of recommended exercises for the first week.
The text book for the course will be A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th Edition by John B. Fraleigh.
This is the web page of the course Groups and rings and it will contain all the relevant information about the course. If you are interested in the course, don't hesitate to contact us by email, (Mats Boij and Sandra Di Rocco)

KTH Matematik
Kursansvarig Mats Boij