April 21 - 25, 2006 KTH, Stockholm


Wendelin Werner
Université Paris-Sud,
Ecole Normale Supérieure

The frontier of
Brownian motion

Abstract for the lecture series:

"Random planar objects and related questions"

The goal of these results is to present some of the recent mathematical ideas that have improved our understanding of random planar conformally invariant objects. The first lecture will be of introductory nature and accessible to a wide audience. We will say general things on macroscopic systems consisting of many random microscopic inputs, discuss the difficulty to describe those systems that exhibit randomness at macroscopic scale, and try to explain why those systems that can be described mathematically are interesting objects, related to other aspects of mathematics. In the second lecture, I will introduce and discuss aspects of the Schramm- Loewner Evolution that are random two-dimensional curves defined via iterations of random conformal maps, and appear to be the only conformally invariant models for two-dimensional interfaces. In the final third lecture, I will describe special measures on planar random loops, and their properties (conformal restriction properties etc.) Most of the content of these lectures will be based on joint work with Greg Lawler and Oded Schramm.















