Tid: 9 februari 1998 kl 1515-1700
Plats : Seminarierummet 3733, Institutionen för matematik, KTH, Lindstedts väg 25, plan 7. Karta!
Föredragshållare: Tobias Rydén, Matematisk statistik, Lunds Tekniska Högskola. (Publikationslista)
Titel: Bayesian inference in hidden Markov models through jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo
A hidden Markov model (HMM) is a bivariate stochastic process
such that
(i) is a finite state Markov chain
(ii) given , the process
is a sequence of
conditionally independent random variables with the conditional
distribution of
depending on
The chain is
generally not observable, hence the word `hidden', so that
inference has to be based on
HMMs have during the last decade become widely spread for
modelling sequences of weakly dependent random variables with
applications in areas like speech processing, communication
networks, biochemistry, biology, medicine, econometrics,
environmetrics, etc. Sometimes the hidden Markov chain
does indeed exist, so that the physical nature of the problem
suggests the use of an HMM, in other cases HMMs just provide a
good fit to data.
One of the most difficult problems in inference for HMM is to
estimate the number of states, d say, of
approaches to this problem include likelihood ratio tests
and penalized likelihoods (AIC/BIC). In this talk we present
a Bayesian approach: by placing a prior on the unknown d
we obtain a posterior distribution for d and the other
parameters of the model. This distribution is analytically
untractable but can be explored using jump Markov chain
Monte Carlo algorithms. Finally an application to stock market
data is presented.