Tid: 2 februari 1998 kl 1515-1700

Plats : Seminarierummet 3733, Institutionen för matematik, KTH, Lindstedts väg 25, plan 7. Karta!

Föredragshållare: Kurt Johansson, Matematik , Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan. (Publikationslista)

Titel: The longest increasing subsequence in a random permutation

Sammanfattning: Pick a permutation tex2html_wrap_inline7 uniformly from tex2html_wrap_inline9 and consider the length tex2html_wrap_inline11 of the longest increasing subsequence in tex2html_wrap_inline7 . For example, the longest increasing subsequence in tex2html_wrap_inline15 is tex2html_wrap_inline17 . What can we say about the distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline11 as N becomes large? A classical result is that tex2html_wrap_inline23 , but apart from that not much is known. I will give some background on the problem and discuss a new approach which connects the distribution of tex2html_wrap_inline11 to certain Toeplitz determinants and a unitary random matrix model.

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