KTH Matematik  

Matematisk Statistik

Tid: 15 juni 2018 kl 12.00-12.35.

Seminarierummet 3418, Institutionen för matematik, KTH, Lindstedtsvägen 22.

Föredragshållare: Mehdi Belkotains

Title: X-value adjustments for interest rate derivatives

Abstract: In this report, we present the X-Value Adjustments and we introduce a simulation approach to compute these adjustments. We present the steps for the calculation of the Credit Value Adjustment (CVA) on interest rate derivatives as a practical example. An important part of the report will focus on the different methods to compute the expected future exposure. In this context, we consider two methods based on Monte Carlo simulations in order to compute the expected exposure. We study also the G2++ interest rate model used for the simulations and we detail the calibration process and apply it on market data.

The full report (pdf)

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Sidansvarig: Jimmy Olsson
Uppdaterad: 7/6-2018