KTH Matematik  

Matematisk Statistik

Tid: 8 juni 2018 kl 11.50-12.25.

Seminarierummet F11, Institutionen för matematik, KTH, Lindstedtsvägen 22.

Föredragshållare: Marcus Ahlgren

Title: Claims reserving using gradient boosting and generalized linear models

Abstract: One fundamental function of an insurance company revolves around calculating the expected claims costs for which the insurer has to compensate its policyholders for. This is the process of claims reserving which is practised by actuaries using statistical methods. Over the last few decades statistical learning methods have become increasingly popular due to their ability to find complex patterns in any type of data. However, they have not been widely adapted within the insurance sector. In this thesis we evaluate the capability of claims reserving with the method of gradient boosting, a non-parametric statistical learning method that has proven to be successful within multiple other disciplines which has made it very popular. The gradient boosting technique is compared with the generalized linear model(GLM) which is widely used for modelling claims. We compare the models by using a claims data set provided by Länsförsäkringar AB which allows us to train the models and evaluate their performance on data not yet seen by the models. The models were implemented using R. The results show that the GLM has a lower prediction error. Also, the gradient boosting method requires more fine tuning to handle claims data properly while the GLM already possesses certain features that makes it suitable for claims reserving without making as many adjustments in the model implementation. The advantage of capturing complex dependencies in data is not fully utilized in this thesis since we only work with 6 predictor variables. It is more likely that gradient boosting can compete with GLM when predicting more complicated claims.

The full report (pdf)

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Sidansvarig: Jimmy Olsson
Uppdaterad: 1/6-2018