Tid: 20 mars 2000 kl 1515-1700
Plats : Seminarierummet 3733, Institutionen för matematik, KTH, Lindstedts väg 25, plan 7. Karta!
Föredragshållare: Patrik Albin, Matematisk statistik, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola. Publikationslista.
Titel: On extremes and streams of upcrossings
Let be a real-valued and -continuous (continuous in probability) stationary stochastic process. We study and characterize asymptotic (as eg, ) relations between the probability
of an exceedance of a high level and the expression This latter expression can be interpreted asProbability starts above + upcrossing intensity
so it is natural to expect a relation to the probability of exceedance of the level .
Examples of Application include Markov jump processes, stable processes, and quadratic functionals of Gaussian processes.