På svenska

Defence of thesis

On December 5th 1997 Torkel Erhardsson, Mathematical statistics, KTH defends his thesis Compound Poisson approximation for Markov chains.

Address: Kollegiesalen, Administrationsbyggnaden, KTH, Valhallavägen 79, Stockholm. Map.

Abstract in html-format.

Abstract in postscript-format.

Opponent is Prof. Andrew Barbour, Applied Mathematics, Universität Zürich (List of Publications).

Thesis advisor is professor Lars Holst.

The expert committee consists of

In connection with this a minisymposium is arranged on December 4th 1997.
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Senast modifierad - last change 1997-10-21

Webansvarig: Gunnar Englund - gunnare@math.kth.se