Discrete Mathematics, SF2736, 7.5 credits,
Fall 2013
Responsible for the course, teacher and examiner is Olof Heden,
Lindstedtsvägen 25, office 3641, tel. +46 (0) 8 790 62 96 or +46 (0) 730 547 891, e-mail:
Office time
Due to agreement .
Norman L. Biggs: Discrete mathematics, second edition, Oxford
Science Publications, 2002.
There will be a written exam on Monday, January 17, 2014, at
08.00-13.00, (and further possibilities later for those that did not
pass, according to the schedule for exams). The written exam
consits of three parts: part I, part II and part III. Part I consists
of five problems of which each at most can be rated to 3 points. Part
II consist of three problems of at most 4 points. Part III consists of
2 problems each of at most 5 points. The grades will be as below:
A 32-37.
B 28-31.
C 22-27.
D 18-21.
E 15-17.
Those who get 13 or 14 points have the right to make an extra minor
shortly after the original exam, in order to get the grade E.
Bonus credits
There will be five voluntary home works that have to be delivered by
the students to the examiner at certain terms. Each correct home work
will be given one bonus point at the final exam and added to the points
part I in the exam
Chapters 5, 6, 7.2,
8, 10.1-10.6, 11.1-11.5, 12.1-12.6, 13.1-13.3, 15.1-15.7,
17.1-17.6, 18.1-18.4, 19.2, 20.1-20.9, 21.1-21.4, 24.1-24.4, 25.1-25.6,
Planning for the course
The precise planning of the course can be found in kurspm
that will be delivered at the first lecture, and after that can be
found on this web site. The class room and the time for the lectures
can be found in the schedule.
Current information
All current
information will be given in the class.
Last change on September 29, 2013.