KTH Mathematics SF2729 Groups and Rings   VT10   

SF2729 Groups and Rings, 7,5 hp

Course Web Page


The re-examination in August will be on August 19, 8.00-12.00.
The final exam will take place in room D2, May 26 at 8.00-12.00.
Graded homework will be returned in class on May 6.
The second set of homework is now posted. It is due on April 20.
The second part of the course has started. The recommended exercises are in the notes of the lectrure number 8.
There will be an extra mid-term exam on Saturday, April 17, due to the circumstances on Monday, March 15. Sign up for this exam by email no later than Sunday, April 11.


Course description

Rubik's cube

As James Newman once said, algebra is "a branch of mathematics in which one does something to something and then compares the results with the result of doing the same thing to something else, or something else to the same thing".

Abstract algebra is the area of mathematics that investigates algebraic structures. By defining certain operations on sets one can construct more sophisticated objects: groups, rings, fields. These operations unify and distinguish objects at the same time. Adding matrices work similarly to adding integers while matrix multiplication is quite different from multiplication modulo n. Because structures like groups or rings are richer than sets we cannot compare them using just their elements, we have to relate their operations as well. For this reason group and ring homomophisms are defined. These are functions between groups or rings that "respect" their operation. This type of function are used not only to relate these objects but also to build new ones, quotients for example.

Although at this point it may seem like the study of these new and strange objects is little more than an exercise in a mathematical fantasy world, the basic results and ideas of abstract algebra have permeated and are at the foundation of nearly every branch of mathematics.

This course is divided in two parts:

  1. Group Theory
  2. Rings and Modules

Read more here:

KTH Matematik
Kursansvarig Mats Boij